Monday, August 18, 2008


Haill, Good Morning Readers, how was your sleep last night? Did not have any nightmare aren't you? ^_^ I was awoken in mid night by the attack of mosquitoes.. poor me..T_T . Anyway, Today I would like to share about something interesting with you guys. Do you believe in "Karma" Readers? "Karma" is an ancient Indian language word which were used in Hindu and Buddhist philosophies. Law of Karma states that "All living creatures are responsible for the actions and the effect of their actions".

At first, I don't really believe that this is true, because from what I saw in the real world experience where criminals who possess power and strength inside "Big Brother" cannot be captured and judged. Where is the Karma for those criminals? Why they can't be judged?Why are they allowed to continue in presenting their actions towards other people? The answer to those questions are indeed difficult to find.

However, in my real life experience, I do think that I have experienced this Karma.. In the past when I was still a kid, I was unable to help my parents when they had problem. And they were helped by the people who need my help now whom experienced the same problem as my parents did. Isn't this a weird coincidence?

And Recently, I met a person who looked like the person I am in debt so much that I am unable to pay it back anymore. Now this person needs my help. I believe that this is the "Karma" that I must pay in order to move forward in my life.

How about you readers? have you ever experienced something like this? *_*

oh, and one suggestion from me. Don't always RUN from a problem. try to SOLVE the problem.
Wish you have a beautiful day



小蜜蜂 said...

=) gambateneh ur blog! remember wad i teach ya!

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